Review Board Management: Select Assignment Criteria

After selecting the applicants to be reviewed in the round and adding the reviewers to review those applications, the next suggested step is to set up how those applications will be assignedto the reviewers. 

To do so, navigate to the “Set Assignment Criteria” tab of the review round. 

There are four options to select from when determining how to assign applications to reviewers in the round: 

Assign All: 

If every reviewer in the round should review every application in the round, select “All”. 

Assign Evenly: 

If applications in the round need to be reviewed more than once by more than one reviewer, select “Evenly”. 

Enter the number of times each application needs to be reviewed in this round. This will randomly assign applications across reviewers so that each application is reviewed the number of times entered.  

For example, if you enter “2” - each application will be assigned to two different reviewers in the round.  

Assign Custom: 

To assign applications to specific reviewers based on applicant data, select the “Custom” option. 

This will allow you to assign applications to reviewers based on an applicant’s response to a question on the application. 

For example, if you want to assign applications based on which state the applicant lives in, select the question in your application where the student responds with this data and assign based on their response.  

To do this, start by selecting the application question that correlates with the data you wish to assign applications by. 

  1. Click “Select Application Question”. 

  1. Select the desired application question. Only dropdown, multi-select, or single-select questions are available. 

  1. Next, you will assign possible applicant responses to reviewers. 
  2. Select a response, then select a reviewer who you’d like to review all applications with that response. For example, If I select Non-binary, then select Morgan Phipps and Laura Kniffin and click assign, this means that Morgan and Laura will be assigned to review all applications where the student answered ‘Non-binary’ to the application question, “Gender?” 

  1. After clicking the blue “assign” button, the bottom table will refresh with your assignments. The responses on the left-hand side will update to display how many reviewers are currently assigned to that response. 
  2. You can clear an assignment by clicking on the small X in the assignment tag. If you want to start over entirely, select ‘Clear All’. 

Assign via CSV: 

If you’re looking to explicitly assign application(s) to specific reviewer(s), you can do so by selecting the “Upload CSV”option. 

Start by preparing your assignment CSV file. This file will consist of two columns: Application Code & Reviewer Email. You can download a sample file to work off by clicking the Download Sample File link.  

You will enter one row per application assignment, matching the application to the reviewer. Therefore, if an application is to be reviewed by multiple reviewers, that application code will appear multiple times on the spreadsheet – once for every reviewer assigned.  

Applications in the CSV file must be selected to be in the round from the “Select Round Applicants” tab. If an application code is in the CSV filebut was not selected for the round, you will receive an error message on upload. 

Reviewers in the CSV file must be assigned to the round from the “Add Reviewers” tab. If a reviewer email is in the CSV file but was not added to the round, you will receive an error message on upload.  

Once your spreadsheet is ready, upload the CSV to the roundby clicking the “Import CSV File” button 

If there are no errors with the file set up, you will see a processing bar appear, displaying the status of the set up. 

If there were errors in the CSV file, those errors will appear below the upload button. The errors will show prior to processing any assignments and point you directly to the line in the CSV with the error and what is causing the error so that you can easily resolve.