Account Settings: Updating Your Account

To update basic information select "Account Preferences" by clicking on the dropdown next to your name in the top right corner of your client portal. 

You will be brought to the basic information page. On this page you can update the following items:

  • Primary and secondary colors: (this will update the colors on all of your forms). The primary color updates the header on the application, and the secondary color updates the sub-headers on the landing page, the headers of the question labels, and the color of the save, next step and submit buttons. These are HEX color codes.
  • Logo and sponsor image: this will update the logo and sponsor image in the "About the Sponsor" section on all of your forms. The size for the sponsor image is 425 x 425 pixels.
  • Title: this will update the title above the logo and sponsor image in the "About the Sponsor" section. This defaults to "about the sponsor, but you could have it say "About The Kaleidoscope Foundation" (insert your organization name).
  • Description: this will update the description in the "About the Sponsor" section on all of your forms. This is a space where you can include a short paragraph about your organization. This is a good place to put the mission of your organization. Keep in mind, applicants will see this on the landing page of all of your forms! 
  • Social Media Links: this will add clickable links that redirect to your social media sites. This will show on the landing pages of your award forms. You can add links for: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, your website, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.
  • Account Information: You can update your first name, last name, email address, and reset your password.
  • To save any information mentioned above, make sure to click "submit". This will save your information.