Build Program Application

After creating a new program from the Programs page of your Dashboard, you will be brought to the program application form builder.

The first page of your program has already been created for you. To retitle the page, click on the 'Page 1' title and enter your new page title.

First Name, Last Name, and Email Address are required fields for the first page of any program application form. These fields are linked to your applicants' profile fields, meaning that when an applicant begins your program application these will be auto-filled using their Kaleidoscope profile information.

These fields are unable to be deleted from the first page of your program application form, but may be re-arranged within the first page.

To add a new question to your program application form, select a Component from the left sidebar and either drag and drop the component onto your form or click the "+" button to add it to the bottom of the page.

There are two categories of components: Applicant Info and Basic. Applicant Info components will link to your applicants' related profile fields, making it even easier for them to complete your application. You can learn more about each component type here.

If you are adding similar questions across your form page, you can clone a question component by clicking the "Duplicate" icon in the upper right-hand corner of the component box.

To create a new page in your program application form, click on the "Add Page" button at the bottom of the page. For multi-page forms, you can drag and drop pages to easily rearrange pages in the form. However, the first page cannot be moved.

At any point, you can preview the page of the program application form you're on by clicking the "Preview Page" button.

If you want to test the entire application form or any form logic, use the "Test Application" feature.