Program Application Components: Basic Other

Repeating Question Set: There may be a set of questions on your program application that you would like an applicant to be able to answer multiple times. A common example of this - Extracurricular Activities. You may want the applicant to answer several questions related to each activity, once for each activity. This can be done using the Repeating Question Set component.

Add the Repeating Question Set component to your program application form using the "+" button or by dragging it onto the form.

Click "Edit Questions" to add the question components you would like answered per question set into the component. Add your desired question components and establish any settings. Once done, click "Finish Editing".

To preview what this will look like for an applicant, select "Preview Page".

Date: Add the Date component to require an applicant response be in a date format. When using the Date component, you are able to require a Single date or date Range, and particular date formats from the component settings.

Additionally, enter a Minimum Date to require an applicant enters a date on or after the one entered in the settings and/or enter a Maximum Date to require an applicant enters a date on or before the one entered in the settings.

Number: Add the Number component to require an applicant response be numeric characters only. From the component settings, allow decimals and set an optional decimal scale. For example, if you are asking the applicant to enter a GPA, we suggest allowing decimals and setting the decimal scale to "2". This will allow the applicant to enter a number in a GPA format (e.g. 3.70).

Additionally, enter a Minimum Number to require an applicant enters a number greater than or equal to the one entered in the settings and/or enter a Maximum Number to require an applicant enters a number less than or equal to the one entered in the settings.

File Upload: Add the File Upload component to allow applicants to upload a file within their application. The applicant will select a file from their device or from their Kaleidoscope media library (previously uploaded files) to add to their application.

In the component settings, select the file types allowed for upload specific to this component. To remove allowed file types, click the "x" next to the file type. To add an allowed file type, select it from the dropdown list.

Currency: Add the Currency component to require an applicant response be in a currency format. Edit the prefix from the component settings to indicate to the applicant what currency type should be input.

Signature: Add the Signature component to allow applicants to add a time-stamped signature to their application. Applicants will be able to sign within a designated signature box, which will save their signature as an image for you to review.

Agreement: Add the Agreement component to request applicants review and agree to specific terms. To supply a document for applicant review, select the "File" option from the component settings. This file will open in a pop-up modal to the applicant when completing their application.

To supply a webpage for applicant review, select the "Link" option from the component settings. This will open the hyperlinked URL in a new tab for the applicant to review before completing their application.

Edit the agreement checkbox label to be more specific to the question you are asking of applicants. Applicants will check the box to "agree".