Edit Your Program's Marketplace Tile

When your program application is published to the Kaleidoscope Marketplace, a Marketplace tile will be available for potential applicants to select and view more / apply to your award program.

The Marketplace tile uses your program's logo, primary, and secondary colors. It displays the program title, open and deadline dates. You have the option to display Preview Text and/or the Individual Award Amount, as well.

To add Preview Text to your program's Marketplace tile, go to the "Create Marketplace & Landing Page" tab in your program's builder. Type your Preview Text into the associated textbox under the Marketplace section. You can enter up to 255 characters.

To add the Individual Award Amount to your program's Marketplace tile, go to the "Create Marketplace & Landing Page" tab in your program's builder. Activate the toggle next to "Show Individual Award Amount". If active, be sure to add your Individual Award Amount under "Set Program Details".

Note that if your program is already Published, you will need to re-Publish to update your Marketplace tile.