Branching Logic: Show Or Hide Question(s) Based On Prior Question Response(s)

Depending on a response to a question in your application form, you may want to collect additional information from the applicant.

For example, if the applicant responds "Other" to your question "Do you participate it any of the following activities?", you may want to prompt them to tell you what activity they do participate in with a short input component.

This can be accomplished by adding Show/Hide Logic to the component in your program application builder.

Setting up show/hide logic on a question component

Start by selecting the question you would like to show or hide. In the component settings, click on the "+ Add Show/Hide Logic" button.

Select if you want the question to be shown or hidden based on a former question response.

Show: The question will not be visible to the applicant unless the rule criteria is met.

Hide: The question will show to the applicant unless the rule criteria is met.

Tips for knowing when to select show vs. hide

  • If you are adding show/hide logic to a question that appears on the same page as the question that drives the logic rule(s), we suggest selecting Show.
  • If the majority of response options to the question that drive the logic rule(s) should result in showing the question, we suggest selecting Hide.
  • If the majority of response options to the question that drive the logic rule(s) should result in hiding the question, we suggest selecting Show.

Next, select Any or All.

All: All rules listed must be met in order for the question to show/hide

Any: One or more rules must be met for the question to show/hide

Lastly, you will establish the rules that will show/hide the question. Click "+ Add Rule".

Select the question with response(s) that will show or hide the question.

Select the condition for the question responses.

Is equal to any: Applicant answers the question with one or more of the listed responses

Is not equal to any: Applicant answers the question with one or more responses that are not the listed responses

Is equal to all: Applicant answers the question with all of the listed responses (available for multi-select dropdowns and checkbox components)

Is not equal to all: Applicant answers the question with responses that are not an exact match to the listed responses (available for multi-select dropdowns and checkbox components)

Is greater than: Applicants response is greater than the response listed (available for date and number components)

Is less than: Applicants response is less than the response listed (available for date and number components)

Is greater than or equal to: Applicants response is greater than or equal to the response listed (available for date and number components)

Is less than or equal to: Applicants response is less than or equal to the response listed (available for date and number components)

Select the question responses that will trigger the show or hide logic.

If response(s) to more than one question should determine if another question should be shown or hidden, select "+ Add rule" again to add the question. Keep in mind, if "ALL" is selected, all of the rules will need to be met in order for the logic to be triggered. If "ANY" is selected, one or more of the rules will need to be met in order for the logic to be triggered.

To test logic in your program application form, select "Test Application". Logic will not work in the page preview.