Branching Logic: Dependent Dropdowns

Adding dependent dropdowns to your application forms ensure that the options presented to an applicant are relevant to an applicant's previous selection, providing contextually appropriate choices. This, in turn, helps ensure that the data entered or selected is accurate and valid, as the choices are constrained based on previous selections.

Establish Response Dependencies

To set up response dependencies, start by adding two dropdown components to your form. One dropdown component should be your source component and one will be the linked component.

A source component is the dropdown component in which the response given by an applicant drives the response options that are available in a following component.

A linked component is the dropdown component in which the response options that are available are controlled by an applicant's response to a prior component.

An example of this might be State: City. Based on an applicant's response to the source component, State, they should only see relevant response options in City, the linked component.

Add your response options to the source component by clicking on the "Edit Options" button in the component settings.

Then, click on your linked component and look for the "Dependencies" section in the component settings. Click on "Establish Response Dependencies".

Start by selecting the source component - the dropdown component in which the response given by an applicant drives the response options that are available in a following component. In this example, the source component is "State".

Click the button in step two to "Export Source Component Responses". This will provide you with a csv file of all response options available in your source component. You will use this file to set up response dependencies.

Your file must follow the below format:


Alabama Birmingham Montgomery Huntsville
Alaska Anchorage Juneau Fairbanks
Arizona Phoenix Tucsan Scottsdale

The LinkedValue column will be a list of your source component response options. Add all linked component response options should follow in the same row as the related source component response.

Tip: Use the TRANSPOSE function in excel to make it simpler to copy, paste a list into your file and then format it as needed above.

Once your file that maps your source component responses to your linked component responses is ready, upload it under step three. You will see a message when the mappings have been successfully added.

Preview the linked responses by clicking "View Options" on the linked component.

You can test the dependent dropdown under the page preview if they are on the same page, or by selecting "Test Application" if they are across two or more pages.

Edit Response Dependencies

To make edits to your response dependencies, navigate back to your linked component and select "Edit Response Dependencies" under the component settings.

Download the existing mappings and make changes directly within that file. Re-upload your updated mappings when ready.