Program Application Components: Pro Formulas

Formulas are a Pro feature, available for Pro and Enterprise accounts only.

Number Formula: Auto-calculate across other component responses. The Number Formula will provide a numeric output based on the applicant's responses to other questions established in your formula.

Currency Formula: Auto-calculate across other component responses. The Currency Formula will provide a currency output based on the applicant's responses to other questions established in your formula.

Setting up a formula component

To set up a formula component, start by selecting the Add Formula button on the formula's component settings.

Begin a formula with either a Form Question, Value, or Group.

Form Question: Select from a list of number or currency questions in the application form. The applicant's response to the question will be calculated in the formula.

Value: Add, subtract, multiply, or divide by a numeric value. For example, multiply by 100 to create a percentage.

Group: Establish an order of operations by adding a group to your formula. If you consider a mathematical formula of (10 * X)/2, what is inside of the parenthesis would be a group.

From there, continue building your formula by adding fields, values, or groups.

You will be able to select the Operation (add, subtract, multiply, or divide).

Once your formula is complete, click Save to add to your program application form.

Please note, you will need to test your formula in Prototype. You will not be able to test from Preview Page as formulas could reference components that span across pages.

What the applicant sees

An applicant will not be able to edit a formula field.

Rather, as the applicant completes fields that are referenced in the formula are complete, the formula will display the correct output.