Status vs. Stage

Each application started by an applicant for a program will have both a Status and a Stage. To better understand the difference between the two, see below:


The application status indicates the applicant's progress on an application. There are three application statuses:

  • Draft: An application has been started, but has not yet been submitted by the applicant.
  • Pending Contributor Submission: An application has been submitted by the applicant, but the required contributor forms have not yet been submitted by invited contributors.
  • Complete: An application has been submitted by the applicant, and the required contributor forms have been submitted by invited contributors. If no contributor forms are required, the application will be moved to Complete once the application has been submitted by the applicant.

Application statuses will update automatically when the above action(s) are taken by the applicant on the application. Administrators are not able to manually change statuses.


The application stage indicates where in the program process the application lies. There are five application stages:

  • Applying: When an application is in a Draft status (application is started, not submitted) or Pending Contributor Submission (application submitted, but required contributors have not submitted forms), the application is in the Applying stage. An application is automatically placed in the stage based on the status of their application.
  • Ineligible: An applicant's application can be added to the "Ineligible" stage in one of two ways - it is marked Ineligible via an Exit Question on the program application or it is manually moved to this stage by a program admin. If an application is marked Ineligible via an Exit Question, the status will be automatically updated to Complete.
  • Pending Review: When an application is in a Complete status, the application will be added to the Pending Review stage. This indicates that nothing more is required for an application to be added to a review round. An application is automatically placed in the stage based on the status of their application.
  • In Review: When an application is added to a review round, the stage will automatically update to In Review. This indicates that an application is a part of or has been a part of an active review round.
  • Winner: When an application has been identified as a Winner of an award, the program administrator can manually update the application stage to Winner. If the award is rejected or a decision change is made, the program administrator can revert the stage to the previous stage.
  • Not Selected: When an application has been identified as Not Selected for a program award, the program administrator can manually update the application stage to Not Selected. If something changes, the program administrator can revert the stage to the previous stage. Program Administrators can also bulk update all non-Winner applications' stages to Not Selected at the end of a program selection cycle.

To learn more about manually moving applications to and from stages, view our help article here.