View & Manage Your Program's Applications

In this article, we will cover:

Viewing Applications

While your program application is open for submissions, you will be able to track applicant progress from your Applications table. To view your applications table, click on the program title from your Programs page. You can also access your Applications table by selecting "..." and "View Applications".

You can also access your Applications table by selecting "..." and "View Applications".

On your applications table, you will see all applications that have been started or completed for your program.

You can view applications within a particular status/stage by selecting the tab across the top of the table.

To view, hide, or rearrange data on the table, click the columns icon in the upper right-hand corner.

In addition to the tabs across the top of the table, you can also filter the table by data within each column. To do so, click on the "Filter" line located below the column header. Enter text or select the option you would like to filter the column by. In the example below, "@gmail" was typed into the filter line to filter to display only applications with a gmail email address.

To view an application, click the "View" link under the Actions column.

Manually Update Application Stage

From the applications list table, you have the option to move an application from its current stage to the stage of Ineligible, Not Selected, or Winner.

Applications will automatically move into the stages of Applying, Pending Review, In Review, and Ineligible (if exit logic exists in application form) based on application activity. You can learn more here.

From the "All" tab, you will only have the option to mass update applications in a non-Winner stage to Not Selected. We suggest doing this at the end of your program selection process to keep data organized.

From the Applying, Complete, and In Review tabs, you are able to move an individual application, a group of applications, or all applications in the tab to the stage of Ineligible, Not Selected, or Winner.

If an application was inadvertently moved to a stage of Ineligible, Not Selected, or Winner, you can revert to the previous stage at any time.