Creating Exit Logic To Mark Applicants Ineligible

To save the applicant and yourself time, add exit logic to eligibility questions in your program application. Exit logic can be added to any Basic Choice components.

To add exit logic to a dropdown or choice component, select the component in the program application builder. From the component settings, click "+ Add Exit Logic".

Create a logic statement for the question based on your program's eligibility rules. Using the example shown here, an applicant should be exited from the application and deemed Ineligible if they respond to the question "Have you received this award before?" with "Yes".

For questions with a long list of question response options, and one or two of the response options will mark an applicant ineligible, we suggest using a condition of "NOT EQUAL". By selecting "NOT EQUAL" you will add the responses that should be selected to make the applicant eligible.

You can add multiple response options that will qualify or disqualify an applicant from your award program by selecting the "+Add condition" button.

You can test exit logic in your program application by conducting a test.

If an applicant is deemed Ineligible, they will receive the corresponding message and be exited from the application. They will also receive an email stating their application has been marked Ineligible.

If you allow multiple applications per applicant for your program, Ineligible applicants will be able to re-apply for the program.