Program Management: Portal Features

Your Kaleidoscope Client Portal is where you can track application progress for all of your programs, make changes/edits to your award applications, view applications, update your organization information, download ACQ reports, download applicant PDF's and more! 

To see your client portal, login with your credentials for Kaleidoscope and select "client" when logging in.


To update basic information select "Account Preferences" by clicking on the dropdown next to your name in the top right corner of your client portal. 

You will be brought to the basic information page. On this page you can update the following items:

  • Primary and secondary colors: (this will update the colors on all of your forms). The primary color updates the header on the application, and the secondary color updates the sub-headers on the landing page, the headers of the question labels, and the color of the save, next step and submit buttons. These are HEX color codes.
  • Logo and sponsor image: this will update the logo and sponsor image in the "About the Sponsor" section on all of your forms. The size for the sponsor image is 425 x 425 pixels.
  • Title: this will update the title above the logo and sponsor image in the "About the Sponsor" section. This defaults to "about the sponsor, but you could have it say "About The Kaleidoscope Foundation" (insert your organization name).
  • Description: this will update the description in the "About the Sponsor" section on all of your forms. This is a space where you can include a short paragraph about your organization. This is a good place to put the mission of your organization. Keep in mind, applicants will see this on the landing page of all of your forms! 
  • Social Media Links: this will add clickable links that redirect to your social media sites. This will show on the landing pages of your award forms. You can add links for: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, your website, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.
  • Account Information: You can update your first name, last name, email address, and reset your password.
  • To save any information mentioned above, make sure to click "submit". This will save your information. 


You can track the progress of your award programs by clicking "Programs" on the top ribbon in your client portal. 

If you have multiple award programs, they will all be listed here. Please note the "status" of each form - it could be prototype, accepting applications, closed, review board, etc. This also shows the open date and deadline date (if applicable).

To view applications for a specific program, click on the program name. After you click on the program, you will be brought to a screen that shows application progress. You will be able to see applications in the following groups: 

Applicant (all applications), Started (draft applications, applicants who have yet to complete their application), Submitted (applications that have been submitted), In review (if the individual application status is updated to in review), Awarded (applicants that have been selected as a winner for the award program).

If you click on an application, you will be brought to an individual application. You will see all questions asked in the application and the applicant's answers. If the program is in the review phase, you will also see scores from individual reviewers.


  • When you are logged in as a client, you can change the status of an individual's application. Follow the instructions in this help article to change an applicant's application status from your client portal.


  • To export an application customized question report, follow the instructions in this help article.
  • To export applicant PDF's, follow the instructions in this help article


Changes can often happen from year to year, or even from one award to cycle to the next. Did you recently change an essay prompt, need to change a question label or description, or want to add another answer option for a question? You can now make edits to your forms and the edits will update in real time for you to view and test.

1.) Go to "Programs" on the top ribbon in your client portal

2.) Click on the three dots on the right hand side of the program you wish to edit, and click "Edit".

3.) To begin making edits, you will need to update the Award Status of the form to "Draft". The form must be in draft status to make edits. After you select "Draft", navigate to the top right corner and press the blue button that says "Save".

  • Note, the following edits can be done under any program status. Changing the status of the program to draft is not required for:
    • Marking a question as required or unmarking a question as required
    • Updating a question or page description
    • Marking a question or page as redacted (this removes visibility to review board members)

4.) You are now ready to make edits to your form! You can make edits to the form, things you can edit include:

The Basics: program name, award amount, URL, application deadline, etc.

Eligibility Rules: State, Citizenship, Minimum GPA, Grade Level

Selection Criteria: this is an open text box where you can list the qualifications for the award program

Application: In this section you can do a lot of editing to the application - you can view all pages, add new pages, and you can edit questions within each page. In the image below, there are 5 pages in the application. 

To edit individual questions on a page, click on the blue edit icon on the right of the page name.

After clicking on the page, you will be shown all questions within that specific page. 

You can edit the following items:

  1. Edit the page name
  2. Edit the page description
  3. Edit question labels
  4. Edit question descriptions
  5. Rearrange pages
  6. Make pages required or optional
  7. Change the question type: Checkbox, Currency, Date, Date(Date-Month-Year), Date(Month-Year), Date(Year), Document, Email, Long Text, Multiselect Picklist, Output Message, Phone, Picklist, Radio Button, Signature, Signature with Timestamp, Text, Video.
  8. Add additional answer options
  9. Add pages steps
  10. Edit the error message

Click Save in the top right corner so all edits will save. To test any edits that were made to the form, click preview. 

After you click "Preview" you will be brought to the form - you can now review the landing page and click "testing" to test all application pages. 

When you are ready to publish your edits, select 'Publish' in the top right corner.

Repeat the steps above if there are additional edits. Be sure to test the application to ensure the application is working properly!