Kaleidoscope Connect: Send an SMS Campaign

In this article, you will learn how to:

Create New Campaign

To get started, click on the Connect tab in the Kaleidoscope Client Portal. 
Click the button to Create Campaign

To edit an existing campaign, click the edit link in the campaign row. To clone an existing campaign, click the meatball menu in the campaign row and select Clone. This will clone the entire campaign including recipients and email content. 

Enter a campaign title and select SMS as the campaign type. The campaign title is for internal use only, so enter something that will be easily recognizable to you and is unique to this campaign. 

Add Recipients:

Use our recipient list builder to add the correct contacts for the SMS campaign. Follow our Add Campaign Recipients document to learn more about our recipient list builder.  

If a contact has that role type across multiple programs within your organization, they will appear more than once on the recipient list – one for every program they are a part of with that role type. A contact will receive one SMS for every instance they are listed (e.g.if Cody Anhorn is listed twice, he will receive two SMS messages). 

Create Content:

When ready, start to craft your SMS message from the Create Content tab.  

Select your From phone number. Here you will be able to select from the phone numbers you have purchased for your account.

Next, write your SMS text message. Feel free to use emojis and merge fields to customize the message.

Be sure to follow best practices to ensure best deliverability.

To learn more about how SMS credits are calculated, view our help article here.

At any point during the process of creating SMS content you can send a test SMS. This will allow you to view what the SMS will look like within an email inbox. Please note that merge tags will not populate for test messages. 

To send a test SMS, click the “Send Test SMS” button and enter the test recipient’s phone number. Ensure it is a number you have access to in order to view the test. 

Review & Send:

Once you have finished creating your SMS, you will be able to review campaign details and send when ready.  

From the Review & Send tab, confirm the number of recipients is correct and the From Phone Number is complete and correct. 

You can also send one final test email before sending it to your campaign recipients.  

When ready, you can choose to Schedule your campaign or Send Now. View our help center article on scheduling a campaign for more information on how to schedule campaigns.

You will see statuses on the campaign change as it is actively sending and once sent. Once a campaign is sent, you can view results of the campaign.